News & Insights


Bank Deposit Insurance Shrinking

By: A. Lee Lundy
May 8, 2013
Where is your money and is it protected?  Often, account holders such as businesses determine that their financial institution is insured through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) and do not think about it again.  During the... Read more >

Warning To Those Contracting With Public Entities In Maryland – Harsh Ruling Will Stand Against Design Firm Denied Payment For Requested Additional Services

By: Scott Patrick Burns
May 8, 2013
In September 2011 the Maryland Court of Special Appeals issued a wake up call to the unwary who perform work for public entities but fail to strictly follow contractual and procurement requirements.  In short, the Court made it clear that performing work outside of the original scope of a contr... Read more >

Want to See Your Employee's Facebook Page?

By: Melissa Calhoon Jones
May 8, 2013
If Governor Martin O’Malley signs it, a bill passed by the Maryland Legislature will make Maryland the first state to prohibit employers from asking or requiring their prospective or current employees to give access to their personal online accounts. The bill would also prohibit Maryland employers... Read more >

Court Renders Confessed Judgements More Difficult To Attack

By: Alan M. Grochal
May 7, 2013
The Maryland Court of Special Appeals issued a ruling in December 2006 that strengthened the ability of creditors to collect debts by confessed judgment.  It also clarified the preliminary burden a debtor must meet if he or she attempts to open, vacate, or modify the judgment once it has been e... Read more >